One of my favourite quotes is “The universe does not bend itself to our ignorance” by author and researcher Robert Schadewald. It refers to the nature of how people are and function based on the way they perceive reality according to their beliefs. Sadly ignorance gets the best of them. People tend to live in worlds of their own orbiting around other worlds. But the saddest thing is not that people invent realities and believe it, the saddest thing is why people choose to do it in the first place.
Why do people make up stories? Are they confused? Is there some agenda at work? Why in the face of truth, evidence and facts people choose to live in a bubble made up of misinformation and lies? Why do people persist in self delusion? The universe does not bend itself to our petty beliefs, ideas or stories. Yet the universe is real and makes itself known in a language independent of our ignorance. It is our humanity that bends itself to the universe.