It is the small details that make up the big picture. The tiniest event can be the catalyst for the greatest adventure ever. Why is it we sometimes fail to recognise the real thing as it happens? Why do we steer away from something that could lead to something beautiful and amazing? Why do we decide to turn away from the person who could be the one to unlock our heart?
As I write this over 39,000 feet high in the sky half way across the Atlantic on a red eye flight to the land where it all began – my home, I realise while looking out through the airplane window how different and wonderful this world looks from above. Some see only darkness and emptiness. I see wonder and a billion reasons for being alive…for seeing beauty in life itself.
We see our world as something we wish we can change in an instant. Yet we are changing our own worlds all the time without ever knowing we are doing it. We want to help the masses. We want to change the world. We try so hard to the point where we put the world first before ourselves. I am guility of this more times than I wish to admit.
With so much wrongdoing and sadness all over the world, what can we do to change that? We are the lucky ones not just because we live in a free world but because we have made it this far. We are still alive. A part of being alive is to remember and acknowledge the ones who have faded so life makes it possible for us to appear and continue an existence far better than theirs.
Billions of people on this planet live to struggle so we can keep breathing. For every breath we take they take one less. This world will always keep turning. Humanity will always keep moving. To where? Do we decide humanity’s direction? I believe we do. As a humanist my faith is in humanity to be better and do better.
What will become of us as we keep breathing? Can we be the ones to move the world towards betterment of us all? Can we make it so we all breath the same? We all have a gift, an individual gift and within that gift are a billion reasons for why to make the world better. And it only takes one reason out of a billion to actually pursue a path to make it happen, to be the catalyst for great amazing things.
The world is not empty as long as we recognise the billion small details that creates the big picture. The world is not empty as long as we keep breathing. After all every one of us is one in a billion transforming reality as we dream it to be. Every one of us makes up the big picture by connecting to one another.